Little Switz Sends Out An S.O.S.

Post date: Mar 28, 2016 3:27:46 AM

By: Shellie Becker, Staff Writer

Posted October 1st, 2015

We all love Little Switzerland, and our parents love the safe environment it provides. They know that if we were to get injured, the Ski Patrol would be there in a matter of minutes. The role of the Ski patrol is to calm us down, and do as much as they can in the situation of an injury, until EMS arrives. Let’s give back to the place that gives us enjoyment. On October 3rd, from 8:30am-2:30pm Little Switzerland is looking for 12-18 high school students to act incredibly injured. This is to help the new ski patrol recruits get ready for their final exam. You will look like a zombie. Literally. Decorated in fake blood, objects sticking out of you, gunshot wounds etc, laying on the side of the hill as they examine you. You will pretend to have chemical burns, dehydration, heat related injuries, shock, paralysis, objects impaled in your abdomen, broken bones, concussions, and more. You will get service hours, and free food! If you have any questions, ask Mrs.Harrman in the high school office for further information.