2017 Senior Wills
Post date: May 26, 2017 11:42:43 AM
I, Claire Breitenbach, will Alto 2 Section Leader Status to Allie Korner. The responsibility to boss around the Vocal Jazz Alto Twos as much as you like and teach pitches with flair is all yours. You're a big kid now!
I, Shaylynn Schwark, will my locker to Brady Schwark. I will you my locker since you already share it with me, but now I’ll let you have the whole thing to yourself. Make sure you keep it clean; messy lockers bother me.
I, Emily Haluzak, will Squad Mom to Alyssa Murphy. You are the senior who will look over and care for each girl. You will make a great mom with your kind and caring heart my dear!!! Look after the girls for me!!
I, Cliff Wood, will the end of an era to the Citizens of the Independent Nation State of the Office and other visiting dignitaries. We are gathered here today to mourn the loss, and celebrate the life, of the great and venerable Independent Nation-State of the Office. As Vizier, it is my solemn duty to announce that as of the end of this school year, 2016-17, the side room will be no more. After years of tireless service to the students and faculty of the school, the life of the glorious hallway will be cut short before it has realized its true potential as the utopian seat of the new world order. While physically it may be gone, it shall live on forever in our hearts and transcripts.
I will Science Olympiad President to Nora Martin. It is simultaneously the best and worst thing I could reasonably give you. I've set the bar as low as I can; try not to trip on it on the way to State.
I, Kerstin Zagar, will leadership roles to Danielle Sholmer. Dear friend: I want to leave you with a very special opportunity as I walk away from here to do bigger and greater things. I want you to take on my job.
I, Chase Lowen, will music to Mariah Flynn. Always work hard to produce amazing music, and don’t let anyone discourage you from doing what you love.
I, Kira Wagner, will Squad B to Jade Dexter. The sassy leader of the squad, you'll be the best sassy leader of Squad B...well, maybe second...behind me.
I, John Fairbanks, will my Youtube channel to Matthew Remmick. I hope you can live up to the legend that is JohnFireBlast. XOXO
I, Joseph DeHayes, will the position of Section Leader of the Tenors to Toby Hill-Hernandez. I entrust you, Toby, with section leader because I want someone who’s loud, confident in the pitch of music, and gives the section a positive attitude. You fit all three of these. Of course, I’ll teach you piano and vocal lessons so you can reach the peak of your current power. Now and in the future. My only request is that you seek out a tenor that would make a good section leader before you graduate. Be proud. I’ll be walking with you and the rest of the tenors the whole way.
I, Kendra Strohwig, will my Slacker Skills to Samantha Carloni. Take your gift and run with it… or don’t.
I, Megan Cichon, will leadership in music to Phillip Steenbekkers. You are such a strong musician, and I don't want you to let anything hold you back. Don't be afraid to grab the bull by the horns and take risks! It's okay if you fail; just get back up and go at it again! There's nothing I'd love more than to come back for Hallelujah Chorus and see you being the leader I know you're so capable of being. Until We Meet Again...keep singing. There is no greater gift in this world than song. Remember that :)
I will section leader to Allison Koerner. I can't wait to see what you accomplish as a senior in high school. You're so amazing already, and I cannot wait to see how you grow as a musician. Keep on smiling, because your smile is wonderful, and also keep singing!
I will my after school shift at the bakery to Joshua Roddy. Well, since I'm not making a two hour commute between Steven's Point and Sweet Creations, I guess you'll have to take over my after school shifts when I'm gone. Don't forget: custard and Boston cream are the same thing! :D
I will my chamber pearls to Katie Jaques. Since your pearls broke, I guess now you need new ones, huh? Take mine, and promise me you won't stop singing! Love ya! <3
I, Maddie Hoitink, will my old oboe reeds to Kasha Kapal; these reeds have been overused or broken by my clumsiness over the many years of band. Carry on the oboe legacy. Best of luck. I’ll miss playing with you every day.
I, Bryce Rufener, will my blessing to use my first name to Bryce Brennen. This will give you access to using my first name. Have fun next year bud! You better visit me.
I, Ben Bernard, will kindness to Chloe Vanderlinden. You have more kindness than anyone I’ve ever met. Thanks for sharing some with me.
I will ideas to Grace Schuppie. It’s the ability to make wise ideas and decisions. You are an amazing person. I want to you go down the road of success.
I will patience to Peggy Brennan. I am willing you my patience for home and work. Thank you for the best four years of my life!