2018 Senior Wills
Post date: May 29, 2018 11:29:27 AM
I, Alexandrea DuPont, will Jonathan Loff my Sketchy Meme Attitude and Sense of Impending Doom. I know you will cherish the Meme Father (bAD tOucH), the Meme Son (You), and the Meme Ghost (Okonkwo, Yam God), hopefully more than I ever could. I pass these duties to you, along with my Questionable Ethics, with a light heart. M.E.M.E. (May Every Moment Excite).
I, Alexandrea DuPont, will Hana Schwonek and Ryan Hornung Mr. Hamm's TA chairs. I know that you will fulfill the responsibilities of The Chairs. "Cut once, pray twice." -Okonkwo, Yam God.
I, Nicole Carlson, will Brianna Goldner Mr. Hamm’s TA desk.
I, Nora Martin, will Kate Hill the front passenger seat in Mr. Gundrum’s van, the passenger seat in Gundrum's van that I have sat in the past three years. This seat is the best seat in the house when going on road trips! This seat also has a lot of memories for me. Kate, as one of the newest presidents, you deserve this seat. Make sure to enjoy the little moments on the road trips as those are the best ones and the ones I remember most!
I, Matthew Benedum, will The True Spirit of a Cronie to Jonah (Joni) Jagielski. This is the spirit that gives all cronies a meaning to life. It gives strength, courage, and dexterity. It gives the power to defeat the anti-cronie. With it, anything is possible. Joni, as head cronie, you already have unlimited power, but unfortunately you will be losing three of your main cronies after this year. So the least I could do was give you the rest of my power, with which you can use to assemble more cronies. This doesn't mean I am no longer a cronie, I will still be performing cronie duties on the regular, and I will still show up to regularly scheduled cronie meetings. However, I will not be able to best serve you as I have in the past. Live strong and live forever as a head cronie. Joni Cronies 4 Life!
- Sincerely, Matthew, Jacob, and Avery
I, Phillip Steenbekkers, will Tobias Hill-Hernandez the title of Tenor Section Leader, the hard task of keeping all the men in line and showing them how to be a great singer by your example. You might not be able to pound out pitches, but neither could I. The fact that this is the second time you've been willed this says a lot about you Toby. There'll be some rowdy kids and it might get very difficult, but keep a level head and don't stop singing. Good luck.
I, Tyler Evans, will Ethan Szamocki the title of King Owl: the name of King Owl and all the hooplah that comes with it, also the #10 in football. Use it well kiddo. It can be the greatest gift or the worst nightmare.
I, Sarah Hardt, will the position as teacher annoyer to Shellie Becker. This job is to annoy all of the teachers you have for classes. Feel free to make yourself as annoying as possible.
I, Rachel Kania, will the position of leader to Danielle Shomler. The leader position is of the special ed class since I won’t be there. You can do it.
I, Katie Jacques, will Chamber Pearls to Megan Michaelchuck. I will my pearls to you as a passing of a torch. Megan Chicon willed me hers, now I will them to you. You will keep on doing great things and have an amazing senior year next year.
I, Brady Hattori, will the position as Slinger High School's Student Council President to Jane Schaub. This position takes great leadership skills and you will do amazing things next year!
I, Katy Dano, will Izzy Draxler the future title of dance captain, the responsibility of keeping love so soft warm ups alive and whipping the cast into dancing shape. Izzy you have a bright future and I hope in future musicals you take your talent and share it. I’m very proud of you and can’t wait to see your future accomplishments. You’re gonna do great things kid.
I, Nora Martin, will the Science Olympiad Presidency and the responsibility of leading the organization to Kate Hill, Taylor Hopkins, and Megan Horinek. You all deserved this role one hundred percent. Make sure to keep on top of things, and you will do great! I don't think there are better people to be the presidents, and I can't wait to hear all the great things you and the club do!
I, Elly Johnson, will #1 singles position on the SHS tennis team to Jessi Lambo. This position requires leadership and responsibility, as well as the ability to deal with pressure. It’s your turn to set an example, even if you won’t be a senior yet! I know you will make me proud!
I, Robby Timmler, will the Entertainment Section of the Nite Crier to Anyone Worthy. Responsibility for keeping the Entertainment Section full of Movie Reviews. Whoever writes a movie review, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Mr. Movie.
I, Becca Rodenkirch, will the head drum major position and marching band to Evan Sievers. You have worked so hard for this spot, and I’m so proud to hand it down to you. This position has its up and its downs, but it will be the highlight of your senior year. You will learn so much this coming year, and I hope it is as fun for you as it was for me! And at times, your arms may feel like they will fall off, but you’ll get through it. Always remember your pride, dedication, and commitment. Evan, you will do great things as the leader of Slinger High School’s marching band. Good luck.