Juniors Win Class of the Classes 2016
Post date: Jun 3, 2016 11:35:31 AM
By: Robby Timmler and Kylie Coffin
Posted June 3rd, 2016
Clash of the Classes is the one of the biggest events that Slinger High School holds. This year it was held from May 23 to May 28. This fun event allows each class to battle for the title of “most spirited” by earning points through attendance at school events during the week, participation in dress-up days and victories in the games during the assembly.
Clash of the Classes started off with the Opening Ceremony. Here, Mr. Strand kicked things off by bringing the torch, and later those present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
The dress-up days throughout the week started with Decades Day on Monday, then Mythology Day, Future Career Day, High School Stereotype Day, and Clash of the Classes T-Shirt Day.
Students who wanted to compete in the Clash of the Classes games were able to put their names in a bowl to be randomly drawn. The events at the assembly were Egg Toss, the Frozen T-Shirt game (whoever is able to put on the frozen T-Shirt first wins), T-Shirt Launcher contest (in which the T-Shirt launchers were designed by two of Slinger’s engineering students), Over-Under-Through (over a hurdle, under a cardboard tower and through a tube), Frisbee toss, Scooter Plunge (using a toilet plunger to propel one forward on a scooter), Skin the Snake (students hold hands with the person in front of and behind them, but must do so between their legs. The entire team must back up, lay down one-by-one, and then stand up and walk back without anyone breaking the chain) and Musical Chairs.
The end result was the juniors winning Egg Toss, freshmen winning Frozen T-Shirt, sophomores and juniors winning T-Shirt Launcher contest, juniors winning Over-Under-Through, sophomores and juniors winning frisbee toss, juniors winning Scooter Plunge, sophomores winning Skin the Snake, and juniors winning Musical Chairs. In the end, the juniors beat out the seniors and went victorious into the night!
Will the class of 2017 be able to hold their title next year, or will a new class rise to the occasion and dethrone them?