Seussical cast and crew receives Tommy nominations in 14 separate categories
Post date: Apr 3, 2016 8:40:39 PM
By: Megan Cichon, Entertainment Editor
Posted February 22nd, 2016
After owning the stage with a smashing performance three consecutive days in a row, the Seussical cast and crew anxiously awaited the list of Tommy nominations. The Tommy Awards, named after Broadway star Tom Wopat, the awards are given out to honor excellent high school theater programs. This year, Slinger High School’s Seussical cast and crew received a grand total of 14 nominations.
Nominations pertaining to the entire cast and crew are as follows: Outstanding Musical, Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Orchestra, Outstanding Direction (Emily Lofy, Heidi Lofy, and Joann Husslein), Outstanding Musical Direction (Heather Peters and Ben Titus), Outstanding Choreography, Outstanding Stage Management, Outstanding Overall Design, Outstanding Scenic Design (Tom Matasek), Outstanding Costume Design (Lori Matasek), and Outstanding Sound Design.
In addition, Tommy Dubnicka (Horton the Elephant), Jena Monroe (Gertrude McFuzz), Kaley Wendorf (Mayzie La Bird), and Haley Wasserman (Cat in the Hat) were nominated for Outstanding Lead Performers. Natalie Hammer (Sour Kangaroo), Joelle Hackney (JoJo), and Alexandra DuPont (Mrs. Mayor) were all nominated for Outstanding Supporting Performance.
Although the Tommy Award recipients will not be announced until May 2016, the entire Seussical cast deserves a huge round of applause for accomplishing what they have accomplished. We look forward to hearing the final results.