Sounds of the school day
Post date: Sep 27, 2016 1:57:29 PM
By: Megan Cichon, Entertainment Editor
Posted September 27th, 2016
That bleeping alarm clock is going off again
Water is running over your hands and dribbling into the porcelain sink
The bus is pulling up, and the squealing brakes still haven’t been fixed
Passengers are shouting stories and homework answers over the roar of the engine
Now you’re at school and lockers are slamming quite violently
Students are still telling stories. Still sharing answers.
There’s a test in math, and all you hear are pencils moving on the papers
In band, the teacher is demonstrating how to play that triplet on his trumpet
An essay is due tomorrow and you’re in the computer lab. The keyboards are clicking like crazy
Midway through mating fruit flies in biology, a girl screams because one flew away
The lunchroom is packed full of noisy students. Who are still telling stories. Stills sharing answers
Study hall in the library is dead silent. You could hear a pin drop--if the floor wasn’t carpet
In social studies, your teacher spends all hour discussing the finer points of the Supreme Court
The gym is filled with sweaty people, panting, jumping rope, and lifting weights
The brakes on your bus still haven’t been repaired
Students are still tellings stories. Sharing answers. They’ll never run out of things to discuss
Homework tonight takes all of three hours--hours filled with your growling stomach
Dinner is exquisite compared to the school’s lunch and you scrape every scrap off the plate
The shower is a blissful escape. The drops pitter like rain against the walls
You climb into bed. It’s the one time of day that the world is really, truly, silent